Tuesday 30 January 2018


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POW is a crypto-currency that is being given to all users of Facebook and Twitter. If you're a user of Facebook or Twitter it is completely free to get an initial allocation, and the earlier you claim the bigger it is.
Although we're giving it away free, it's worth something, and is even rising in value. That's all down to the fact that 'you' are valuable, and when there are 100 million of 'us' connected in a network that is incredibly valuable. Just look at Bitcoin as a rule of thumb - Bitcoin has approximately 10 million holders and has a market capitalisation of $100 billion (as of Oct 2017) - that suggests a per user value of $10,000. If we are correct, that means the price of POW could rise dramatically as more and more people make claims.
The current version lets you send and receive POW with zero transaction fees with your Facebook friends. Soon we'll be releasing functionality that means you can do the same with your Twitter followers. Next will come the ability to transfer POW with any other user just by sending to their email address.
POW is all about recognizing your value, and giving it back to you. We hope you join us by claiming your POW, which is a rare thing - a free and riskless investment.


POW is a standard ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain with two innovations that make it unique:
  1. POW 'lite' is the Non-Blockchain version of POW. It is held in the POWtoken.com account and enables holders to make free transactions with one another. Ultimately POW 'lite' will be fungible with the ERC20 POW that exists on the Blockchain.
  2. A global 'Airdrop' of POW 'lite' with enough to be claimed by every person on the planet, can be easily claimed by logging in with your Facebook or Twitter account (if you have both you can make two claims!). POW has the potential to be the most widely held currency on the planet.
Ethereum might change the world, but by the admission of its founder (Vitalik Buterin), the technology is not ready for mass market adoption. The Ethereum Blockchain can only handle 17 transactions a second which pales compared to the volumes achieved by services like Paypal and VISA.
Beneath the surface there is work being done by the Ethereum team on initiatives such as POS and 'Sharding', which should solve the problems of scalability and transaction costs.
In the meantime the POW 'lite' and the 'POW Account' concept creates a hybrid centralised/blockchain currency and payment system, which can be seen as a stepping stone to the ultimate goal of decentralised finance.
The total supply of token has been set at 231,802,823,220 POW. That means there will never be more than this number of units of POW created. A total of 19.3bn POW has been allocated to the developer team. That leaves 212,513,140,682 to be allocated to claimers on a 'first come, most served' basis.
Over the next few months we will be busy building a 'bridge' between POW 'lite' and POW ERC20, so that users can migrate their holdings out onto the Blockchain if they wish.
The global 'Airdrop' of POW 'lite' is achieved by leveraging the 3rd party validation and verification service provided by Facebook for 'Apps'. We will soon introduce other forms of social media login than just Facebook and Twitter, including Instagram, Reddit and Weibo. Logging in with any of these accounts will create a new allocation of POW 'lite', so users with more than one social media account will get more than one allocation. People have different networks of friends in different social media communities, so why punish them for this? Having said that we are ever vigilant to prevent users making multiple claims by logging in through the same social media network (known as a Sybil Attack). The 'Airdrop' will give users a starting balance for making transactions.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Future Inventions

image of girl using invisible cloaking
Science fiction often features technology that inspires future inventions.
Cell phone inventor Martin Cooper claims the communication devices used on Star Trek motivated him to invent cellular phones
Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak and the Romulans in Star Trek make their starships disappear using cloaking devices.
This fictional technology has inspired scientists to try and make invisibility a possibility. In fact, recent developments in nanotechnology could make invisible cloaking a reality in the near future.
We see things because light reflects off objects. Black objects absorb light and this absence of light is seen as darkness which also helps us to detect objects.
For an object to become invisible it cannot reflect or absorb light. If light could be bent around an object without any reflection or casting of shadows then we would not see it.
Ideally, we would only see what is directly behind the object. It sounds strange but scientists have created a new class of matter that can do this.
Metamaterials are nanostructures that have a negative refractive index, which means they can control how light waves are bent, reflected and absorbed.
But these meta-materials were limited in size. They couldn't be made larger than a few microns and only manipulated certain frequencies of light. So they could only make invisible what you couldn't see anyway.
However, a team of scientists at the University of Central Florida have discovered a method for creating "large-area fabrication" of these meta-materials for the full spectrum of light.
As described in their research published in the journal of Advanced Optical Materials, this means that any object covered in this fabric would become invisible.

image of a beetle implanted with wireless transmitter

Cyborg Beetle

Advances in microelectronics is making yesterday's science fiction into tomorrow's future inventions.
Scientists at the University of California have implanted beetles with miniaturized electronics that allows the insects to be controlled.
Research presented at a conference in Italy demonstrated a new technology for creating "cyborg insects".
The flying beetles receive wireless signals from a mobile transmitter that controls the insect. Varying impulses trigger an appropriate response from the beetle so that it flies according to it's handler.
The insect can be made to take-off, land, hover, or follow a given flight path.
Previous research concentrated on moths but giant flower beetles were easier to operate and could carry larger payloads because of their size.
Further advances with nanobots and miniaturization will allow heat sensors and cameras to be embedded into the bugs. The insect could then be used for surveillance or search and rescue missions.

Undersea Resort

latest-inventionL Bruce Jones is a submarine inventor who designs and sells private luxury submarines. Following in the footsteps of his rocket scientist father, and his grandfather who invented self-elevating jack-up rigs and created the world's first containerized shipping company; Bruce has invented the world's first undersea resort.
Accessible by two elevators from the surface, the resort is being built on the seabed surrounding a private Fiji island in the South Pacific.
The underwater facilities will include 24 luxury state rooms, a restaurant and bar, library, conference room, wedding chapel, underwater spa, and the ultra-luxury Nautilus Suite with stunning undersea views.

future inventions

Electrical Clothing

One of the future inventions that could greatly impact our lives are nanoribbons.
Rubber films developed by engineers at Princeton University could power mobile devices and other electronic devices.
The silicone sheets are embedded with ceramic nanoribbons (piezoelectric ribbons) that generate electricity when flexed, converting mechanical energy to electrical energy.
Materials made of this material, such as shoes, would harvest electrical energy created from walking and power everything from an ipod to a pacemaker.
The nanoribbon strips are so narrow that 100 strips fit side-by-side in a space of a millimeter. The strips are then embedded into clear sheets of silicone rubber to create a chip.
These sheets could be woven into fabric and placed against any moving area on the body to create electricity.
For example, a vest made from this material could take advantage of breathing motions to generate energy.
Nanoribbons are highly efficient in converting about 80% of mechanical power into electricity.

Needle-less Injection

This future invention is a device for delivering medication and vaccinations through the skin.
As an alternative to injecting a needle, micro-poration is a painless method of transferring medication (intraepidermal) into the body using laser technology.
A handheld laser creates micro pores in the epidermis of the skin for the transfer of molecules.future inventions It has a familiar comparison to the "needle-less" device used by Dr. "Bones" McCoy on Star Trek. The popular sci-fi series has inspired more than a few new inventions including the "laser" and the cell phone.
This new micro-poration technology is painless to use and requires no supervision to administer. The interfaced controls regulate the dosage.

T-Shirt Gadgets

future inventionsScientists at Standford University are developing future inventions using e-Texiles.
This new class of flexible, stretchable and lightweight clothing would function as rechargeable batteries.
Cotton and polyester fabrics are dyed with an ink made from carbon nanotubes, which are electrically conductive carbon fibers that are 1/50,000th the width of a human hair.
The electronic properties of the fabric are maintained even when the clothing is washed. Researchers believe that the e-Textiles will eventually allow us to use our clothing as gadgets - talking to a friend through our shirt sleeve or surfing the web on a pant leg.

Tissue Regeneration

future inventionsOne of the future inventions in health care may be the development of a spray gun for regenerating skin tissue.The Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM), recently established by the U.S. Department of Defense, is funding research into the regrowth of bones, muscles, tendons, nerves and blood vessels.
The University of Pittsburgh's McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine will join a consortium of 30 institutes in regenerative research.
Last year, a pathologist at the McGowan Institute regrew the severed fingertips of two patients in their mid sixties. Existing scar tissue was removed by an enzyme. Scarring inhibits regrowth, however cells derived from pig bladders can override the scarring process and attract cells and proteins needed for growth.
Another researcher with Wayne Forest University, is developing an inkjet device with cartridges containing tissue cells with growth factors. The device would dispense layers of tissue onto deep flesh wounds for healing and regrowth.
For surface wounds, a hand-held sprayer is in development, which sprays immature skin cells (called keratinocytes) onto the skin. Clinical trials with burn victims have been promising. The advantages of this technology compared to "grafting" is that it eliminates patchwork scarring and uses less skin.
"Conventional methods cannot return people to the way they were before" says biochemist Alan Russell, but it's within the grasp of science.


future inventionsAmong the future inventions in e-readers is this paper thin, flexible film that reads like a magazine or newspaper.
LG Display, a manufacturer of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display panels has developed an 11.5 inch flexible e-paper display.
The 0.3 mm thick metal foil substrate resembles a traditional newspaper but operates as an e-reader.
The GIP (Gate-in-Panel) technology promises to be the next generation in digital display technology competing in the e-book market.
E-paper's ultra-thin, flexible and lightweight form reduces maintenance and power consumption costs but its scalable size encourages additional applications such as mounting to flat and curved surfaces like walls and pillars.

Monday 19 September 2016



All of us are following one or the other health related page on Facebook. After all, we all want to live long and enjoy good health. Why not follow the pages that give you natural and inexpensive tips to stay healthy. There are many pages/communities/groups on Facebook related to health, beauty and wellness. Therefore, we tend to come across same tips appearing on different pages, at times carrying the same visual. So, we decided to share with you the most popular health tips shared across the social media platform, served all in one place.
1.Eat apples
Probably, you must have read in a post to have an apple first thing in the morning before even having your daily coffee, as it is more effective in waking you up. Why not, have a goodness of health first thing in the morning and also enjoy the myriad other health benefits.
Health tip 1
Fitness, health and overall beauty, we all need to exercise as it lets us live stress-free. So, tighten up your shoes and get set, go!
Health tip 2
3.Balanced body and mind regime
This is like the most popular post across all health pages. All in one update that shares the secrets to live healtlhy.
Health tip 3
4.Top 5 secrets to good health
Although, we list it on number four spot, this update has been a winner when it comes to visibility. All top health pages have shared it time and again and hope some of you are following it as well.
Health tip 4
5.Make way for important health tips. Yes, please share it if you haven’t shared yet!
Health Tip 5
6.Drink green tea
I am sure before the dawn of the social media platforms, we were unaware of the sea of health benefits that green tea offers. In fact, don’t you think Facebook is the reason why so many of us have started to drink green tea on a daily basis.
Health tip 6
7.Go bananas, bananas
The poor man’s fruit offers innumerable health benefits. You can use the peel to whiten your teeth as well. I am sure you must have read it somewhere.
Health tip 7
8.Have cardamom seeds
Are you having it or not? If not, then start from today. Embrace health!
Health tip[ 8
9.Natural therapy for your heart
We are not sure about whether this works or not, but hands-down all health related pages and communities share this once in a while. Don’t you agree?
Health tip 9
10.Drink water
While we need to sip water throughout the day to keep ourselves hydrated, there are numerous other reasons why you should consume enough water. Read on!
Health tip 10
11.Chill with cucumber
Come summer and our timeline is flooded with cucumbers, coconut water and so on. Don’t you enjoy them irrespective of the season.
Health tip 11
12.Lumbar pain exercises regime
We all tech-savvy people struggle with back pain and hence, these posts are very popular and most shared on health pages.
Health tip 12
13.Anti-aging food
This is our favorite post, no matter how many times we see it; we click it at least once to check the top 10 foods that can slowdown aging. Don’t you?
Health tip 13
14.Get rid of ugly dark circles
A health related page or a beauty page, this is a popular type of update we come across on a regular basis. Have you tried any of them? If yes, please share which one works the best!
Health tip 14
15.Detox water
Clear skin and healthy body; detox your body with this simple and natural tip.
Health tip15
16.Practice Yoga!
Don’t be surprised when your Facebook timeline is flooded with yoga poses, a number of health pages share the yoga poses to help you build overall fitness. Yoga is popular on Facebook worldwide.
Health tip 16
While you will get innumerable health tips , the freedom to follow any of them lies totally with you. Make sure to consult with your family doctor before following these tips, especially if you suffer from a health issue.
Stay healthy, 

Monday 1 October 2012

Latest Tech News: eBay's new look

Latest Tech News: eBay's new look: TO The e-commerce power is changing its logo. A global online marketplace that offers a cleaner, more contempora...

eBay's new look


The e-commerce power is changing its logo.
A global online marketplace that offers a cleaner, more contemporary and consistent experience, with innovation that makes buying and selling easier and more enjoyable.
We’re incredibly proud of how eBay started and quickly grew into the world’s largest online marketplace. Auction-style listings, used goods, vintage items and quirky, one-of-a-kind finds are still a big part of what makes buying and selling on eBay special.
Shopping anytime, anywhere? This is the new eBay.
The new look will begin to appear across eBay sites and channels this fall.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Ultra-Thin LG Venic with Ultra-Thin LG Venic Technology

 USA today announced a new Android-powered smartphone, the LG Venice, that delivers style, cutting-edge technology and affordability combined with Boost Mobile's Android Monthly Unlimited with Shrinking Payments.

Only about one-third of an inch thick and weighing a mere 4.41 ounces, the sleek LG Venice is a high-powered slim smartphone with great viewing and entertainment experience. It will be available starting Oct. 10 for $219.99 (excluding taxes) at Boost Mobile's exclusive retail stores, select independent wireless dealer locations nationwide and at www.boostmobile.com with free shipping. The LG Venice also will be available late October in select national retail locations.

"The LG Venice is an eye-catching device with its platinum finish and slim design packed with the latest features tech-savvy consumers crave," said Andre Smith, vice president-Boost Mobile. "It's a perfect example of not having to sacrifice style and features for affordability especially when combined with a no-contract Monthly Unlimited plan with payments that shrink to as low as $40 a month."
Boasting a 1GHz processor combined with Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and an enhanced LG Optimus 3.0 interface, the LG Venice allows for improved multitasking, surfing, watching videos and accessing the more than 600,000 apps in the Google Play Store. The durable 4.3-inch, scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass touchscreen combined with a 5MP camera and VGA front-facing camera let consumers capture, connect and share life's special moments.
"With high-quality features, a stylish design and the wallet-friendly no-contract plan, LG Venice definitely stands out," said James Fishler, senior vice president, marketing and go-to-market operations, LG Electronics USA. "LG and Boost Mobile continue to release innovative devices that exceed the expectations of those who use them. Whether it's capturing still or video memories, connecting and sharing content with friends and loved ones, or viewing media on the crystal-clear touchscreen, Life's Good with the LG Venice."
Additional key features of the LG Venice include:
  • QuickMemo™ to quickly and easily capture, create and share notes
  • 720p HD video recording
  • Stereo Bluetooth capable
The LG Venice is paired with Boost Mobile's no-contract $55 Android Monthly Unlimited plan with Shrinking Payments. For every six on-time payments, the cost of Boost Mobile's Monthly Unlimited plan shrinks by $5, eventually getting down to as low as $40 a month for unlimited nationwide talk, text and picture messaging, Web1, email and calls to 411. Payments do not need to be consecutive to qualify for the next savings milestone.
About Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile offers wireless phones and services with no long-term contracts. Boost Mobile redefines value for wireless consumers with its Monthly Unlimited with Shrinking Payments no-contract service, where the longer you stay the less you pay with on-time payments for unlimited voice, text messaging, Web, email and calls to 411. Boost Mobile offers nationwide service on the Nationwide Sprint Network, reaching more than 282 million people, with no activation or long-distance fees. Boost Mobile offers a selection of quality handsets from LG, Motorola, Research In Motion (RIM), Samsung, Kyocera and ZTE, ranging from entry-level to Android™ smartphone devices available nationwide at nearly 20,000 major retail stores, including Best Buy, RadioShack, Target, Family Dollar, Walgreens and Walmart, Sprint retail stores, independent wireless dealer locations, and on HSN, a leading TV home shopping network. Re-Boost® Cards are available at approximately 100,000 locations throughout the United States. Experience Boost Mobile on the Web at Facebook andTwitter; and purchase products at www.boostmobile.com.